What is Spiritual Discipline?

The nature of spiritual disciplines is very near to my heart. There are so many ways to connect to God, whether through prayer, sitting in silence, reading scripture, worship, meditation, fasting, chanting hymns, journaling, memorizing scripture, and so much more. 

It is sort of like any relationship. With a spouse or a best friend, you can watch a movie with them, go to the coffee shop, go to the mall, take a walk, and so forth. We all have different love languages. I think what is unique about God is that his love language is just being present with us, and he invites us to find our love language with him in terms of finding different ways that we connect best with him. 

I think that is so special. As someone who likes to mix it up, it strengthens my faith when I practice spiritual disciplines and learn about how God views me. For example, when I sit in solitude, there are days where it is difficult to sit still and be silent. Yet, some scriptures speak of sitting still and allowing God to be present with us. Those moments that I stretch myself in that spiritual discipline make me learn something new about what God wants to share with me. 

Life is full of ups and downs, and it is easy to get busy with all sorts of things. God invites us to be present with Him through the chaos and bustle of life. That is the most important piece of spiritual discipline, which is being present with God. The next time you feel pressed to spend time with God, or you experience the havoc of life, remember that all it takes is a few minutes to center yourself, breathe, and feel God’s presence around you. 

What spiritual discipline are you excited to try today?

Psalms 46: 10

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;

    I will be exalted among the nations,

    I will be exalted in the earth.”

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