Phil’s Guide to Fitness Success Active Should I Be?

The 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans confirm that you can protect your health by being physically active. Just 150 minutes (2½ hours) of moderate-intensity physical activity per week can lead to essential health benefits.

What Should the Intensity Be?


Start small and then build up! You should never be at a point where your heart rate is dangerously high. Three days a week of moderate-intensity 45 to 60 minutes each time is a great place to start.

What Type of Exercises Should I Do?

Mix it up! A combination of cardio (jogging, cycling, walking) and strength sessions (squats, lunges, push-ups) is excellent for the body. You could do one day of jogging, another day focusing on lower-body strength, and a third day focusing on upper-body strength. You could also do three days of total body strength sessions that include high-intensity cardio (sprints, sled push, jump rope) 5-10 minutes before or after the session. 

Your Plan to Get Fit

  1. Safety First: If you are concerned about increasing your activity, consult your healthcare team. 
  2. Warm-up and Cool Down:  • Warm up before you exercise•. Cool down and stretch at the end of your session•. Take 5-10 minutes each to prevent injury and reduce muscle soreness.
  3. Intensity: • Start where you are comfortable and increase gradually over time—this will help you avoid injury • Mix up your activities to prevent strain on any one part of your body •. Always use good posture and pay attention to your form with any activity •. Listen to your body. Slow down or stop if you feel tired, sick, lightheaded, or your joints hurt.
  4. Hydration:  Drink plenty of water before, during, and after the activity.
  5. Apparel: • Wear comfortable shoes and clothes that are right for the activity and weather• Use safety gear as needed
  6. Weather: • Be active indoors if it is too hot or cold outside•. Signs that you are overheated: headache; a fast heartbeat; feeling dizzy; sick to your stomach, or faint

Some More Tips: 

Using a Fitness Tracker

A pedometer or activity tracker can help you monitor your steps, get feedback on your activity, and reach your physical activity goals.  Walking is a fantastic way to help you lose weight, keep the weight off, and improve your health. Track your steps for one week to find your daily average number of steps. Then each week, set new goals to increase your daily steps. For example, if your daily average number of steps is 3,000, try to increase it to 3,500 per day. Then you can work up to 10,000 per day, which meets the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. Try to get up and walk every hour!

Get some Accountability

Find a friend, a co-worker, a roommate, a significant other, a physician, or anyone to keep you accountable. This person might ask about your workouts and frequency of training sessions and join in workouts with you. Getting someone you can share your goals with is a tremendous mental push to get your mind and body in the right direction toward fitness!

Busting Barriers

No more excuses! Let’s get it! Happy Training!




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