Conquering Unhelpful Thoughts about Weight Management 

How you think about weight management can affect how successful you are. Some may think that a person’s emotional response is determined or caused by the situation.

How you interpret or think about different situations creates your emotional reactions. Sometimes errors in thinking can lead to discouragement or negative feelings that may decrease control over eating. Remember that a thought is just a thought—it is not necessarily wrong or right, true or false. If you can rethink unhelpful thoughts, you will have the confidence to make positive lifestyle changes.

Recognizing Unhelpful Thoughts

Let us review some common mistakes and alternative ways of thinking. Which of these thoughts have you had or do you think you might encounter? Recognizing unhelpful thoughts is the first step to changing them!

A Healthy Way of Coping

Be mindful of how your feelings affect your behavior. Some feelings can increase your urge to eat or be inactive. Consider instead what is causing your emotion and how you can respond to the feeling productively.

  • Brainstorm ways in which you can respond to that emotion rather than eating.
  • Healthy coping responses could include socializing with friends or family, being physically active, distracting yourself (watching TV, reading, working in the yard, etc.), and meditation and relaxation exercises.

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