How to Practice MINDFUL EATING

It can be overwhelming, to say the least, when trying to figure out what you need to eat and how you should eat to maximize your fitness and overall health goals. While there is a surplus of diet programs, one of the ones you may not have thought about before is the concept of mindful eating. 

What is Mindful Eating?

Mindful eating is paying attention to the food that we eat. It is an intentional mindfulness exercise that occurs every time you eat. For example, thinking about how the food tastes, smells, and feels is an example of mindful eating. The big emphasis is SLOWING DOWN. So often, we eat whatever is in front of us, and whatever is convenient, without taking the time to feel and emotionally attach to what we’re eating and how it’s making our bodies feel. 

How to Practice Mindful Eating?

Use a nutrition diary to write down foods you eat throughout the day and the emotion attached to the food. For example, when you eat breakfast, what are your emotions? Were you tired? Lonely? Exhausted? A lot of times, people know what they need to eat, but the times that they eat unhealthy foods are when they experience negative emotions. Knowing the times/days and places where you experience negative emotions and how that’s connected to your food intake will help you practice mindful eating and set into motion better eating habits. 

Extra Tip in Planning your Meals


Buy healthy foods to keep at work and home.
Eat a nutritious breakfast every day.

Make a healthy plate.
Involve others, eat at the table and savor your food.
Nourish your body; avoid skipping or delaying meals.
Drink more water- drink a glass before each meal. 
Fix foods at home. 
Use a plate for snacks and portion control.
Limit high-fat, high-calorie, and sugar-sweetened foods. 

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